T. L. Adepoju (PhD) & I. B. Odunitan
Department of Educational Management, Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile- Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
adepojutaiwo2004@yahoo.com, adepojutl@oauife.edu.ng
Date Received: August 3, 2018; Date Revised: November 14, 2018
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 3, 28-34
November 2018
ISSN 2545-904X
Higher Education and Economic Growth in Nigeria The Nexus 897 KB 3 downloads
T. L. Adepoju (PhD) & I. B. Odunitan Department of Educational Management, Obafemi...
Higher education in many countries including Nigeria had experienced reform and development in the recent times. For instance, several reform initiatives have been introduced in Nigeria to meet the global competitiveness, challenges, and the most recent Su stainable Development Goals(SDGs). The paper has a linear correlation between higher education and economic growth. If Nigeria into compete in today’s global economy and ensure that students develop the skills, they need to take them from the classroom to the market there is the need to take higher education to higher level. The paper explains how higher education could be used to bring about economic growth in Nigeria while a model that links higher education with economic growth was developed. Finally, recommendations that would help Nigeria be an economic giant nation in the nearest future through higher education are proposed.
Keywords: Higher education, economic growth, sustainable development goals, reform, globalcompetitiveness, nexus.