April M. Perez, Abigail I. Manzano
Batangas State University, Philippines; Lyceum of the Philippines
University, Batangas City, Philippines
Date Received: October 28, 2016; Date Revised: January 5, 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 5 No.1, 111-121
February 2017
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Food Safety and Sanitary Practices of Selected Hotels in Batangas Province, Philippines Basis of Proposed Enhancement 789 KB 5 downloads
April M. Perez, Abigail I. Manzano Batangas State University, Philippines; Lyceum...
This study assessed the extent of food safety and sanitary practices of selected hotels in Batangas province as basis of proposed enhancement measures. The study utilized descriptive method to describe food safety and sanitary practices of selected hotels in Batangas province with a total of 8 hotels (256 respondents). Purposive sampling was used in the study. The questionnaires were designed using the provision of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines, validated and finalized to come up with legitimate results. The study showed that there were eight (8) hotel respondents classified as two, three, four star with considerable years of experience and adequate number of employees. The hotels demonstrated the food safety and sanitary practices always in the areas of restaurant, bar service, catering and banquet and room service. The significant pair-wise comparison for restaurant, bar service, catering and banquet and room service shows that 2 star hotels greatly differs. The researcher recommends that the management should maintain high standard of food safety and sanitary practices among its staff, upgrade the food safety and sanitary practices for food safety accreditation, continuous training of the hotel managers/employees on food safety and sanitary practices.
Keywords – Food safety, Sanitary practices