Bernice Lit Bagnes, Ph.D.
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas
Date Received: November 29, 2020; Date Revised: February 18, 2021
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration
Vol. 7 No. 1, 85-92 April 2021
P-ISSN: 2467-6691 E-ISSN: 2467-5148
Flexible Work Arrangement, Work-Life Balance, and Social Engagement of Filipino Virtual Home-Based Workers: A Basis for Organizational Improvement 367 KB 7 downloads
Bernice Lit Bagnes, Ph.D. Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas Date...This study aimed to examine the flexible work arrangement, work-life balance, and social engagement of Filipino virtual home-based workers and draw implications for organizational improvement. This study used a descriptive method and utilized a questionnaire to gather data from 306 respondents. Frequency, mean, ANOVA, and Pearson analysis were applied for statistical analysis. Results revealed that Filipino virtual homebased workers (FVHWs) believed that they would not incur career costs and administrative barriers when employed under a flexible work arrangement (FWA). Likewise, findings showed that FVHWs’ personal lives do not interfere with work and vice versa and that their work enriches their personal life, and vice versa. However, FVHWs are occasionally involved in cognitive and social activities while they rarely engaged themselves in physical activities. Moreover, a significant difference is present on the following variables: personal purpose and WIPL and PLIW when grouped according to sex; career costs, WPLE, and physical activities when grouped according to age; WPLE and social activities when grouped according to marital status; benefits and PLIW and WPLE when grouped according to educational attainment; and benefits and WLB WIPL when grouped according to the frequency of overtime work. Statistically, a significant relationship was identified on the following variables: career costs and WIPL and PLIW; administrative barriers, benefits, and personal purpose and WIPL, PLIW, and WPLE; personal purpose and social activities; WIPL and PLIW and social activities; and WPLE and cognitive activities. Finally, insights were established based on the identified weaknesses of this research.
Keywords: flexible work arrangement, social engagement, work-life balance