Sherwin E. Balbuena and Princess Z. Balbuena
Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa, Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and
Technology, Cabitan, Mandaon, Masbate, Philippines; Social Studies
Department, Mobo National High School, Mobo, Masbate, Philippines, princesszaragoza86@yahoo.com2
Date Received: August 3, 2017; Date Revised: October 4, 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 5 No.4, 1-10
November 2017
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Feedback on Facebook Fails to Predict the User's Subsequent Posting 829 KB 4 downloads
Sherwin E. Balbuena and Princess Z. Balbuena Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa, Sr. Memorial...
Facebook use is a new and complex social behavior that has stimulated research interests in psychology. Due to a distinct lack of theoretical basis for this new communication phenomenon, a number of studies established the significant association between personality traits and Facebook use. This study investigated the motivational effect of friends’ feedback on the user’s subsequent Facebook posting and examined the correspondence between the user’s perceived motivation and actual motivation-behavior outcome using a new method. Results showed no significant association between the number of feedback and the number of subsequent posts, users’ perceived motivations were consistent with their actual motivation-behavior outcomes, users’ self-reports validated the new results and confirmed the previous findings that Facebook use is aimed at satisfying the individual’s needs for belongingness, self-presentation, and social information-seeking. It is suggested that the amount of feedback on Facebook is an ineffective determinant of the users’ frequency of subsequent postings.
Keywords –extrinsic motivation, reinforcement, social media, Facebook likes