Leandro A. Dalhag (PhD), Amorita A. Abillar and
Mary Ann O. Florida
College of Arts and Sciences, Batangas State University, Batangas City,
Date Received: October 15, 2018; Date Revised: January 25, 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 7 No.1, 114-124
February 2019
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
Family, Career and Intellectual Pursuits of Full-Time Mothers in Selected Local Villages from one Province in the Philippines 764 KB 4 downloads
Leandro A. Dalhag (PhD), Amorita A. Abillar and Mary Ann O. Florida College of Arts...
This research aimed to determine the pursuits of full-time mothers in terms of family, career and their intellectual aspect. This provided information about the status of full-time mothers in the society and the ways on how this status improved through individual and collective accomplishment in social change. This also provided new insights about full-time mothers and how they empowered themselves and others as to improve their skills and well-being. A descriptive design and quantitative approach was used in the study. Majority of the respondents or 46 percent were middle adulthood women whose age ranges from 35 to 40. There were equal distributions of 100 respondents from rural and urban areas. The majority of t he respondents or 62 percent have 1-3 numbers of children. Majority or 87 percent of respondents were Roman Catholic. The data also showed that the majority of the respondents or 28 percent were high school graduates. As for the assessment in terms of their pursuits, family corresponded to a very great extent; career and intellectual pursuits corresponds to somewhat extent on the total assessment. There were difference showed in the intellectual, career and family pursuits of the respondents when grouped according to location and educational attainment. An extension program was proposed to enhance the pursuits of the respondents.
Keywords: family pursuits, career pursuits, intellectual pursuits, full-time mothers