Avelino G. Ignacio Jr. , Joseph D. Reyes
PhD Math Education, College of Graduate Studies & Teacher Education
Research, Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines
bilyignacio@yahoo.com 1, joseph_reyes2012@yahoo.com2
Date Received: October 25, 2016; Date Revised: January 30, 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 5 No.1, 19-24
February 2017 (Part II)
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Exploring Mathematics Achievement Goals Using Kolb’s Learning Style Model 951 KB 6 downloads
Avelino G. Ignacio Jr. , Joseph D. Reyes PhD Math Education, College of Graduate...
This research work is an exploration of causality connection of learning styles to mathematics achievement goals. The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to identify the mathematics achievement goal of students when grouped according to preferred learning style (2) to identify the learning style of students when grouped according to preferred mathematics achievement goal and (3) to determine if there is a significant difference in each mathematics achievement goal when grouped according to learning style. The researcher used explanatory cross-sectional design. The Revised Achievement Goal Questionnaire and Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory 3.1 were utilized to collect data. Results show that respondents hold mastery-approach achievement goals regardless of learning styles. Also, students with approach type of mathematics achievement goals hold assimilative learning style which operates on reflective observation and abstract conceptualization; and students with avoidance type of mathematics achievement goals hold accommodative learning style which operates on active experimentation and concrete experimentation. Furthermore, findings show that there is no significant difference in the mathematics achievement goals based on learning style. Exploratory research is recommended to understand why students with approach type of mathematics achievement goals hold assimilative learning style and why students with avoidance type of mathematics achievement goals hold accommodative learning style.
Keywords: achievement goals, learning style, mathematics