Mayowa Stephen Thompson, Oladotun Paul Kolawole
Department of Religious Studies, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji,
Osun State; Department of Biblical Studies and Theology, ECWA
Theological College, Kpada, Nigeria
Date Received: May 14, 2020; Date Revised: August 19, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 8 No.3, 79-93
August 2020 Part III
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
ASEAN Citation Index
Exodus 8:16-19 and the Tragedy of Fake Miracles in Nigeria Christianity 379 KB 4 downloads
Mayowa Stephen Thompson, Oladotun Paul Kolawole Department of Religious Studies,...
There is no gainsaying that fake miracles used by false ministers to attract, defraud and exploit people are a major problem in Nigeria. This problem has wreaked havoc and ridicule on the value system of Christianity in Nigeria; therefore, the task of this paper is to make a critical scrutiny of the societal ill (with specific attention to the vice of fake miracles) in Nigeria Christianity trying to excavate the reality of this challenge. This study explores the concept of miracle from its etymological meaning, the feasible roots for fake miracle invasion in Nigeria Christianity and the drive behind the issue at stake. Also, this study employs an exegetical and contextual methodology; with Exodus 8:16-19 (Third plague) as the theological framework. In view of the radical emergence of the debacle in question; the reality of genuine miracles is another bone to break; thus, this keeps the mind of a modern-man with perplexity and apparently
fill its reasoning with numerous questions. Miracle is an important part of the religious activities that fosters faith in the heart of men; in these wise, contemporary ministers in Nigeria capitalizes on the gullibility of men to scam and swindle worshippers. Thus, Christians should be on the lookout so as not to fall victim; the Bible should be the standard on which every form of supernatural activities is done and judged.
Keywords: Tragedy, Fake, Christianity, Miracle, Nigeria.