Ronaldo F. Frufonga, Vilma S. Sulleza
West Visayas State University-Janiuay Campus, Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines,
Date Received: January 20, 2016; Date Revised: March 3, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.1,6-12
February 2016
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Establishment of a Migrant Community The Story of the Jamahs in Iloilo City, Philippines 459 KB 4 downloads
Ronaldo F. Frufonga, Vilma S. Sulleza West Visayas State University-Janiuay Campus,...
This study was conceptualized to reconstruct the history of the Muslims in Iloilo City who attend worship at the San Nicolas mosque. The study employed the descriptive case study method. The in-depth and semi –structured interviews were the main tools. Other tools were informal and direct observations and focus group discussion. Inconsistencies in the narratives were straightened out in the focus group discussion. The key informants were five Maranao Muslim males from Marawi City. Reasons for migration are mostly economic and majorities are traders from Lanao Del Sur. In the 1970’s more migrants came most were single young males to avoid the then conflict between the Muslim rebels and the government troops during the Martial Law. All of the first generation migrants are males, the wives and female children followed once the males had established themselves. There were no concrete problems they have encountered as a community. The second and third generations have already adapted to the Ilonggo lifestyle. In general they encountered no resistance from the Ilonggos, instead, they feel accepted. They have no recollection of stories of resistance from the first generation migrants either.
Keywords: establishment of migrants, Jamahs, migrant community, migration