Biology Department, College of Education Arts and Sciences,
De La Salle Lipa, Lipa City, Batangas, PHILIPPINES
Date Received: July 15, 2014; Date Revised: August 15, 2014
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442| Volume 2, No. 5, October 2014
Enhancing Higher Order Thinking Skills in a Marine Biology Class through Problem-Based Learning 602 KB 4 downloads
RICHARD M. MAGSINO Biology Department, College of Education Arts and Sciences, De...
The purpose of this research was to examine students’ perspectives of their learning in marine biology in the collaborative group context of Problem-based Learning (PBL). Students’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS) using PBL involves the development of their logical thinking and reasoning abilities which stimulates their curiosity and associative thinking. This study aimed to investigate how critical thinking skills, particularly analysis, synthesis and evaluation were enhanced in a marine biology class through PBL. Qualitative research approach was used to examine student responses in a questionnaire involving 10 open-ended questions that target students’ HOTS on a problem presented in a marine biology class for BS Biology students. Using axial coding as a qualitative data analysis technique by which grounded theory can be performed, the study was able to determine how students manifest their higher reasoning abilities when confronted with a marine biology situation. Results show student responses yielding affirmative remarks on the 10 questions intended to know their level of analysis (e.g., analyzing, classifying, inferring, discriminating and relating or connecting), synthesis (e.g., synthesizing and collaborating), and evaluation (e.g., comparing, criticizing, and convincing) of information from the presented marine biology problem. Consequently, students were able to effectively design experiments to address the presented issue through problem-based learning. Results of the study show that PBL is an efficient instructional strategy embedded within a conventional curriculum used to develop or enhance critical thinking in marine biology.
Keywords – Higher Order Thinking Skills, Problem-Based Learning, Marine Biology