Ramsey O. Decena (PhD)
Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Peñafrancia
Avenue, Naga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Date Received: January 5, 2021; Date Revised: April 7, 2021
Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Perspectives
Vol. 8 No.1, 114-127
May 2021
ISSN: 2782-9332
Enhancement of Mathematics Competency through IndependentCooperative Learning (ICL) 480 KB 6 downloads
Ramsey O. Decena (PhD) Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Peñafrancia Avenue,...
This study developed a Tutorial andInstructional Program (TIP) using theIndependent/Cooperative Learning (ICL) Strategy inenhancing students’ competencies in college andadvanced algebra. The respondents of this study wereforty (40) first-year Bachelor of Secondary Educationmajor in Mathematics. Mixed research methods wereutilized using developmental and survey approaches.The pre-test and post-test results were applied toevaluate the competencies developed, while the surveyapproach aimed to identify the acquired social skills,values, and attitudes. Results showed that thedeveloped program using the ICL strategy effectivelyenhanced competencies and developed social skills,values, and attitudes. Subsequently, TIP using the ICLstrategy enhanced students’ competencies, social skills,and values and attitudes. Hence, additional sessiontime is needed to provide sufficient time to deliver thelessons, and students need other activities on wordproblems to practice their problem-solving skills. Aswell, the implementation of more programs isnecessary to enhance learning competencies.
Keywords – mathematics, learning competencies,tutorial, independent/cooperative learning