AG&P Company of Manila Foundation, Inc.
Master in Business Administration, Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research |
Vol. 2, No. 3 | June 2014
Employees’ Satisfaction on Training & Development of Atlantic, Gulf, & Pacific Company of Manila, Inc. 491 KB 4 downloads
ZALDY S. QUIZON, MBA AG&P Company of Manila Foundation, Inc. Master...
The need for quality human resources in AG&P is greatly felt. This is because of several factors directly and indirectly affecting the organization. The study aimed to describe the demographic profile of AG&P employees in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, employee type, and length of service in AG&P; to determine the level of employee’s satisfaction on Training & Development of AG&P with regard to the following: Its Nature and Essential, Training Program and Trainer, and Training Facility and Evaluation. It also aimed to establish relationship between the respondents’ profile and the level of employees’ satisfaction. The study made use of the descriptive correlation research as it best describes the level of employees’ satisfaction on training and development of Atlantic, Gulf, & Pacific Company of Manila, Inc. Based on the result, it was concluded that most of the employees who underwent Training and Development at AG&P were young, female, college graduate or college level, rank & file, and have one to five years service in the AG&P. Also, the level of employees’ satisfaction on AG&P Training Development in terms of Program and Trainer was less than the level of employees’ satisfaction with regard to Nature and Essential but greater than to level of employees’ satisfaction regarding to Facility and Evaluation. Therefore, Training and Development Nature and Essential obtained the highest level satisfaction of employees while Training and Development Facility and Evaluation has the lowest level of employees’ satisfaction. Furthermore, the higher the educational attainment the more AG&P employees want to obtain training.
Keywords: Satisfaction, Training, Career Development, Human Resource, AG&P