Yvonne An, Jaewon Chang, Scott Platt Salcedo
Magnus Center for Ethics, Science and Philosophy
yvonnean8@gmail.com, changjaewon0315@gmail.com,
Date Received: May 7, 2020; Date Revised: October 20, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 8 No.3, 94-101
August 2020 Part III
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
ASEAN Citation Index
Effects of Non-ionizing Radio Waves on the Development of a Duck Embryo 708 KB 1 downloads
Yvonne An, Jaewon Chang, Scott Platt Salcedo Magnus Center for Ethics, Science and...
There exists increasing concerns on the effects of mobile phones on users brought by the increase of smartphone usage. However, research regarding the effects of radiation on human tissues remains limited. Studies on the effects of non-ionizing radio waves on tissues are plenty. However, the results often show discrepancies. In this paper, the researchers investigated the relationship between the growth rate of duck embryos and the duration of exposure to radiation emitted by a smartphone. Qualitative observations were recorded on the developing tissue and body parts of the embryo. The quantitative results served as evaluation of the growth of embryonic development by the three fetal growth parameters: biparietal diameter, occipitofrontal diameter, and abdominal circumference. The parameters were evaluated through computer analyses of images taken in a fixed position. Growth rate was calculated using data values from day 14 and 18. The results were clear: there was an inversely proportional relationship between the growth rate of the embryos and the period of irradiation. The most prominent data which showed the difference in growth rate was the abdominal circumference where the controlled embryos had a growth rate of 198.50% (3.99 cm to 11.91 cm). Studies concerned with the sustainability impacts and health hazards of the emission of radio waves imply there was an increased risk of tumors called malignant schwannomas of the heart in rats exposed to non-ionizing radiation. Additionally, smartphone production has depleted a massive 968 terawatt hours of electricity worldwide.
Keywords – Duck Embryos, Non-ionizing radio waves, Radiation, SERVQUAL, Smartphone