Jhemson C. Elis
Department of Education, Batangas City, Philippines
Date Received: May 25, 2016; Date Revised: July 20, 2016
Effects of Absenteeism to the Learning Performance of Fourth Year Students of one National High School in Batangas City, Philippines 726 KB 4 downloads
Jhemson C. Elis Department of Education, Batangas City, Philippines jhemson_elis@yahoo.com Date...
The study aims to determine the effects of absenteeism among fourth year students to their learning performance. The study utilized descriptive research method. The quantitative research techniques using Likert scale was used to rate the individual and school performance due to absenteeism. And also frequency test for the cause of it whether it is self-inquiry or a family problem. The respondents agree that self- inquiry is the main reason for a student to make an absence as what is being taken notice by other students. The teacher respondents look at the situation in a different angle, and most have agreed self – inquiry have caused the truancy of their students. Majority of the respondents see that the lack of family support had pushed absenteeism to what it is now. For the effect of absenteeism to student individual learning performance, both teacher and student population agreed that students perform poor in class followed by social relation with classmates and social relation with teachers. While for the effect of absenteeism to school performance all variables voiced out a poor result as a main factor.
Keywords: Absenteeism, learning performance, student achievement, high school