Allen Carlo Cuerdo, Alex Argueza, Zyan Andre Buño, Anthony Glenn
Castronuevo, Ric Allen Ramirez, Beverly T. Caiga, Joselito P. Flores
Marine Engineering Department, Lyceum International Maritime
Academy, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City,
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education
Vol. 4 No. 38-45
June 2018
P-ISSN: 2423-2033
E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Effectiveness of Social Media and Online Methods in the Application for Cadetship of Maritime Students 780 KB 2 downloads
Allen Carlo Cuerdo, Alex Argueza, Zyan Andre Buño, Anthony Glenn Castronuevo, Ric...
The study evaluates the effectiveness of social media and online methods in the applicationfor cadetship of maritime students. The researchers assessed the effectiveness of social media and onlinemethods in the application for cadetship of maritime students. The study utilized descriptive researchmethod with 285 maritime students, 229 were BS Marine Transportation students and 59 were BS MarineEngineering Students chosen through stratified random sampling. A self-made questionnaire was used ingathering data. The results showed that social media and online methods are effective in the application for cadetship of maritime students and the program shows significant difference on the effectiveness of social media and online method in the application of cadetship when grouped according to program. The researchers recommend to further improve effectiveness of social media and online methods in the application for cadetship of maritime students, providing more resources for more information needed may be enforced by professional instructors, to implement programs that will let BSMT students know more about effectiveness of social media and online methods in the application for cadetship of maritime student sand its benefits for maritime students, devise plans or seminars to make the maritime students know more about effectiveness of social media and online methods in the application for cadetship of maritime and tousle studies which may be conducted by future researchers using different variables.
Keywords – Social Media, Online Methods, Effectiveness, Cadetship