Aldrin John J. Estonanto
Sorsogon State College, Sorsogon City, Philippines
Date Received: August 2, 2017; Date Revised: November 15, 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 5 No.4, 102-106
November 2017 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Effectiveness of MnemoPow (Mnemonics Power) Device in Teaching Limit Theorems of Calculus 916 KB 5 downloads
Aldrin John J. Estonanto Sorsogon State College, Sorsogon City, Philippines Date...
Calculus is oftentimes avoided by most students due to the common notion of its difficulty as a subject. Likewise, some studies revealed that most students find the topics in this subject very abstract to understand. To address these problems, a mnemonic device called MnemoPow (Mnemonics Power) was developed. A quasi- experimental study was conducted in the laboratory high school of one state college in Sorsogon City to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed mnemonic device. Two classes composed of forty- five (n= 45) students each were involved in this study as controlled and experimentalgroup. The controlled group was introduced to Limit Theorems of Calculus using traditional lecture method while the experimental group was exposed to MnemoPow Device. Results of Pretest and Posttest were tested using t- test at 0. 05 level. Findings revealed that there is a significant difference between the performance of both groups. MnemoPow Device was found to be an effective approach in teaching Limit Theorems in Calculus.
Keywords: Mnemonics, MnemoPow, calculus, limit theorem, performance