Mohd Ziaul Haq Rafaqi, Zainab Musheer
University of Kashmir (South Campus); Aligarh Muslim University,
Date Received: September 5, 2019; Date Revised: November 4, 2019
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 7 No.4, 7-12
November 2019 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
Excellence in Research for
Australia Accredited Journal
Effect of Emotional Maturity on the Study Habit and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students 710 KB 7 downloads
Mohd Ziaul Haq Rafaqi, Zainab Musheer University of Kashmir (South Campus); Aligarh...
Emotional maturity signifies one’s ability to apprehend and deal with his emotions. In complex situations, ones level of emotional maturity is an extensive factor that determines one ability to cope with the situation. Secondary school stage is the period of life that is characterized by various physical, cognitive and emotional changes. Education is the process for overall development. The secondary school stage plays prominent role in the personal as well as the professional development. There are many factors that effects the emotional maturity of the students, academic achievement and study habit being the two important one. The present study concerns with assessing the effect of emotional maturity on the study habit and academic achievement of secondary school students. Emotional Maturity Scale constructed by Tara Sabapathy, Study Habit Scale by Dimple Rani and M.L. Jaidka and for assessing the academic achievements total marks of previous account were taken into consideration. The study has been conducted on a sample of 336 secondary
school students of Aligarh district. Statistical techniques like mean, Pearson correlation, MANOVA with three way design i.e. (2×3×3) were used. The study leads to the conclusion that there exists a strong and positive relationship between emotional maturity, study habit and academic achievement. Further, there exists a non- significant multivariate interaction effect of gender, type of school and emotional maturity on the combined variables study habit and academic achievement.
Keywords – Academic Achievement, Emotional Maturity, Study Habit and Secondary school