Cao Yin
Graduate School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of
Management and
Sustainable Development
October 2024 Part 5
P-ISSN 2782-9332
E-ISSN 3028-2632
Abstract – Along with the rapid development of global science and technology and the continuous growth of the demand for vocational education, vocational education has become increasingly important in China. At the same time, the Chinese Minis-try of Education’s requirements for the teaching innovation ability of vocational col-lege teachers are also increasing. Therefore, education technical training, teach-ing innovation support mechanism, and enhancement path have gradually be-come key factors in improving the innovation capacity of teachers in Chinese vo-cational colleges. In this paper, with teachers in Chinese vocational colleges as the main research object, the researchers used descriptive quantitative research methods to conduct questionnaire surveys related to educational technology train-ing, teaching innovation support mechanisms and enhancement paths. After sta-tistical analysis of the data, it was found that the teachers’ group had a balanced gender and age distribution, higher education levels and more teaching experi-ence. Although teachers had a positive attitude towards pedagogical technology training, their willingness to participate in pedagogical IT training was low. Re-spondents rated the teaching quality assurance system, teaching resource support and innovation support mechanism highly, and interdisciplinary cooperation was particularly important for teachers’ innovation enhancement. Meanwhile, there were no significant differences in the participation attitudes of teachers from differ-ent backgrounds, and there was a highly positive correlation between instructional technology training and innovation support mechanisms and enhancement paths. Based on the findings, this paper proposed capacity development program for teachers, which provides practical significance and policy reference for the con-struction of teachers’ innovation competence and innovation team in vocational colleges.
Keywords – Education Technical Training, Teaching Innovation Support Mechanism, En-hancement Path, Innovative Capacity