Shirley D. Moraga, Albert A. Vinluan
College of Computer Studies and Systems/Graduate School, University of
the East, Manila, Philippines; College of Computer Studies, New Era
University, Quezon City, Philippines,,
Date Received: March 12, 2018; Date Revised: August 18, 2018
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 6 No.4, 58-66
November 2018
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
CHED Recognized Journal
ASEAN Citation Index
e-Reklamo: An e-Government Portal for Citizens’ Complaints in Government Services using Web Crawling 1,303 KB 3 downloads
Shirley D. Moraga, Albert A. Vinluan College of Computer Studies and Systems/Graduate...
Most government organizations now have their own space on the web permitting citizen to find information and progressively participate in e-government. There are only few studies on e- government adoption and address the concern of the citizens in the different government services in the developing countries like Philippines. This study focuses on the development of government portal that solicits public feedbacks and complaints with the help of different ICT tools: web crawling, tag cloud, topic modelling and social media networking sites. The system can help to reveal the citizens’ needs and expectations in the government services through e-government platform. Also, it uses web crawling technology to crawl the news, articles, updates, complaints of the top 10 most complaints government agencies’ websites. The user can give feedbacks and comments to selected websites and it will be extracted to produce text visualization using the tag cloud and topic modelling. The information gathered will be sent to the respective government agencies for them to be aware of the different citizens’ complaints and make some necessary actions. In addition, agile approach was also utilized for the software development. The system helps citizens to empower and be informed of which government agency needs to improve their services. Moreover, it provides the government with more opportunities to better fulfil its responsibilities. Thus, it is recommended that the developed system be implemented as innovative modes of communication which can improve the transparency of the government and encourage citizen to participate in the government’s decision making process.
Keywords – Philippine government, e-Government, web crawling, website, tag cloud, topic modeling