Jonathan S. Dela Cruz, Ana Sheryl Lynn S. Catura
Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Philippines,
E-Readiness for Learning Management Systems of a Higher Education Institution 482 KB 3 downloads
Jonathan S. Dela Cruz, Ana Sheryl Lynn S. Catura Bicol State College of Applied Sciences...
This research aimed to investigate e- readiness for a web-based classroom in a state college in the Philippines utilizing observations from the faculty and students. Specifically, it determined the level of readiness of faculty and students to a learning management system, compare the level of readiness of the two groups, and propose an instructional and learning environment through a virtual classroom. Two instruments were utilized and administered to 48 faculty members and 65 students to determine their readiness to the concept of a virtual classroom as an emerging trend in classroom management and as part of the driving tool for quality management in the area of instruction. Results show that the faculty members were eager to adopt the concept of virtual classroom since they have the technical access and the necessary computer skills. But they are doubtful on the availability of a reliable internet connection and computer accessories like headphones, microphones and webcams. Students reported a moderate readiness for the learning methodology. But they manifested the proper motivation towards the innovation. Between the groups, there was no significant difference in their reported levels of readiness. Various components from the results were considered for the determination of tools and features of the learning management system. College domain was integrated with the Google Suite and utilized its services together with the online classroom suited for the institution which can be accessed through an Astean account. The platform utilized the hybrid approach exercising blended learning and online activities. A further study which evaluates the effectiveness of the approach to the faculty is recommended as well as an investigation on its impact to the students.
Keywords – blended learning, learning management system, classroom management