John Nowell A. Aldovino, Aldrin D. Amul, Keith Louse S. Arandia,
Vejay V. Lita1, Gimcarl L. Sarili, Dr. Beverly T. Caiga
Lyceum of International Maritime Academy
College of Education, Arts and Sciences,
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education
Vol. 6 No. 1, 69-76
June 2020
P-ISSN: 2423-2033
E-ISSN: 2467-513X
E-Learning Experiences of Maritime Students 357 KB 6 downloads
John Nowell A. Aldovino, Aldrin D. Amul, Keith Louse S. Arandia, Vejay V. Lita1,...
This study aims to assess the E-learning experiences of Maritime Students when it comes togeographical location, internet connectivity, gadgets utilized, economic status and health issues and testthe significant difference when respondents are grouped according to profile. The study used descriptivetype of research method and was utilized 292 maritime students. several statistical methods such asfrequency distribution, weighted mean, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied. To further examine the study’s conclusions, all data was processed using PASW version statistical tools. Result revealed that the health issues and geographical location is the main factor that affects the e-learning experience of the maritime students. The result also revealed that geographical location has the most significant difference when grouped according to profile. Through this result, the researchers recommend having an alternative way to comply on the e-learning experience of the student.
Keywords – e-learning, experience, maritime