Effects of Comprehension Strategies on Sight Word Recognition Skill of Person with Hearing Impairment in an Inclusive Education Setting, Jos Metropolise

Post Views: 0 Emmanuel AgboOwobe (Ph.D), Christopher MtagherornyiVande (Ph.D), Julian RotkanggmwaBodang (Ph.D), CallistaUmeh Onwuadiebere, Janebu Anyebe Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Jos, Jos Nigeria; Ganaka International School for Inclusive Education, Jos, Nigeria; 5Federal Government College Jos, Jos Nigeria emmanuelowob@yahoo.com, chritvandeh@gmail.com, bworot@yahoo.com, ucallista@ymail.com, 5ajenebu@yahoo.com Date Received: October 2, 2015; Date Revised: December…