Prof. John Koskey Chang’ach
Moi University, School of Education, Department of Educational
Foundations, Kenya
Date Received: May 17, 2016; Date Revised: July 18, 2016
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 4 No.3, 100-110
August 2016
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Diversification as a Socio- economic Strategy among the Keiyo in Kenya 614 KB 4 downloads
Prof. John Koskey Chang’ach Moi University, School of Education, Department of...
This paper discusses the efforts and actions by the Kenyan government to address challenges of agrarian change and rural transformation in Keiyo. The paper demonstrates that state employs the mechanisms of co-opting the forces of rural commercialization through the strategies of land consolidation. The paper explains that these strategies widen the scope of engagement in the Keiyohouseholds in Kenya today. Keiyo households have demonstrated their capacity to respond positively and spontaneously to agrarian changes and innovations which proves vital to the enhancement of their economic well-being. The paper employs data collected from the three ecological zones, in order to examine the characteristics of households in Keiyo. It is demonstrated that the characteristics of these households reflect the different economic opportunity structures of the three areas. It is suggested that while the distribution of resources within any of the three ecological zones is to varying degrees unequal, there is nevertheless a pronounced pattern of inequality across eco-zones: most households in the highland are better endowed with resources than most households either on the escarpment or in the valley.
Keywords: Keiyo, socio-economic, diversification, differentiation, eco-zones, household, inequality