Angelica V. Gonzales, Michelle Mae V. Lopez,
Jovielyn Manibo (MA, RPm)
Psychology Department, College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Lyceum
of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines
Date Received: August 19, 2019; Date Revised: October 13, 2019
Dimensions of Personality and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression as Predictors of Academic Performance among Truant Adolescents 951 KB 2 downloads
Angelica V. Gonzales, Michelle Mae V. Lopez, Jovielyn Manibo (MA, RPm) Psychology...
This academic undertaking explored the relationship between dimensions of personality, symptoms of anxiety and depression and tested which among the variables predict academic performance of truants. This academic endeavour employed mixed method of research which involves collecting, analyzing and integrating quantitative and qualitative data using the Concurrent Triangular Design. From the total of one hundred five (105) senior high school truants, only ninety-one of them qualified and participated in this study. Respondents show that they possess neuroticism and stability in their personality traits and borderline symptoms of major depression and majority have satisfactory academic performance. The gathered interview data reveals that truant adolescents are having personal disposition and they execute handling emotions in symptoms of anxiety and depression. The type of school was found to be significantly different to the three variables whereas sex was found to be significantly different to academic performance and lastly, strand was significantly different to symptoms of anxiety and depression. Among all the variables, only generalized anxiety can significantly predict the academic performance of truant adolescents.
Keywords –Personality, Anxiety, Academic Performance, Truant Adolescents