Christine Joy B. Davalos, Nerrie E. Malaluan
College of Teacher Education Batangas State University, Philippines,
Development of Performance Task Assessment Tools for Grade 10 Science 670 KB 4 downloads
Christine Joy B. Davalos, Nerrie E. Malaluan College of Teacher Education Batangas...
This study focused on the description and development of performance task assessment tools for Grade 10 Science. This study covered the extent of utilization of performance tasks in Grade 10 science in the different learning areas: Earth Science, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. At the end, different performance task assessment tools for the four components were developed as the output of the study. The research design used the descriptive method with questionnaire as main research tool supplemented by documentary analysis and interviews to gather important data. A total of 52 Grade 10 Science teachers from the private schools in the Division of Batangas City served as respondents of the study. The findings revealed that more than half of the Grade 10 students performed well in Science. The performance of the students was measured using the new grading system set by the Department of Education. Moreover, the findings also showed that performance tasks in all learning areas including Earth Science, Physics, Biology and Chemistry were utilized by teachers to a moderate extent. Among all the learning areas, performance tasks in Earth Science are the most utilized while those tasks in Biology are the least utilized by Grade 10 Science teachers. Also, the study revealed that the problems in utilizing performance tasks were sometimes met by Grade 10 Science teachers. Different performance task assessment tools were developed to provide for the corresponding needs of teaching and learning process where students are expected to perform different activities in the four learning areas of Science.
Keywords: Performance Task, Assessment Tools