Reiner Jun G. Alminaza
Guimaras State College
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Vol. 10. No. 2, pp 15-22
March 2022
ISSN 2782-8557
Development and Evaluation of G-Class Record 551 KB 3 downloads
Reiner Jun G. Alminaza Guimaras State College ...The Guimaras State College G-Class Record was produced and analyzed using the Input- Process-Output framework. The study included all faculty from three campuses. They were either respondents or results’ viewers. The Guimaras State College G-Class Record was evaluated for usability using the USE Questionnaire (Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease). These were usefulness, contentment, usability, and learnability. The researcher created a four-part questionnaire based on ISO 25010:2015 to assess the new system’s grades. Its grade quality is discussed in Part I. The tool investigates the system’s consistency, verifiability, accuracy, and objectivity. The research tool also includes the built-in system’s published grades. The USE Questionnaire measures the study’s four quality factors. Faculty members deemed the G-Class Record a highly effective class management tool. The study found that faculty computer literacy affects tracking in general. This may help everyone. Visual support in G-Class Record is difficult for non-computer teachers. Everyone enjoys the visual aid. For non-computer literate faculty, the paper suggests simplifying the graphical user interface and offering lessons and training.
Keywords –education, program, student, system