10 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | www.apjmr.com
Levi A. Corvera, Unife O. Cagas College of Engineering and Information Technology,
SSCT, Surigao City, Philippines corveralevi@gmail.com
Date Received: October 20, 2019; Date Revised: May 12, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 8 No.3, 10-18 August 2020 P-ISSN 2350-7756 E-ISSN 2350-8442 www.apjmr.com ASEAN Citation Index
Design and Development of a Syllabus Template System - A Syllabus Management Tool 1.13 MB 4 downloads
Levi A. Corvera, Unife O. Cagas College of Engineering and Information Technology,...
The syllabus is an important resource for academic information. It is a document to communicate the course design to the students. It serves as a guide of the faculty in the delivery of instructions in the classroom. The traditional syllabi-creation process is accomplished using a desktop application such as MS Word Processing, which consumed much of time to conform to institutional format particularly on the syllabus content.The study generally aimed to design and develop Syllabus Template System-a Syllabus Management Tool. Specifically, the system is designed to provide usable and efficient different modules like the File, Maintenance and Faculty which considered embedment of the predefined items in a direct template of a particular program/course. This direct template is designed in conformity to the ISO requirement in the uniformity of forms. The system’s study observed developmental design with the concepts behind the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), particularly, Agile methodology.There were 50 selected faculty who answered the questionnaire. Generally, the system was evaluated as usable as designed and highly efficient for use in the academic institution. It functioned as expected with its defined modules having predefined items on its template. The syllabus template conformed to ISO form. Since the present system’s development is an independent stand-alone system by individual faculty’s computer, conduct further studies and make it a Cloud-based system. Extend the system’s capabilities to other HEIs for them take advantage of this management tool for well-structured syllabus requirements and the present system’s widely used. The realization of the study is an indicator of creating a Sustainable Working Environment with Resilient Faculty towards subject syllabus requirements.
Keywords: Agile Methodology, CHED and ISO requirements, Development and Evaluation, and Syllabus Template Management Tool