Ana Marie A. Binalla
Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Naga City,
Date Received: January 15, 2021; Date Revised: April 5, 2021
Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Perspectives
Vol. 8 No.1, 88-93
May 2021
ISSN: 2782-9332
Cultural Values and Entrepreneurship An Enabling Intervention for Curriculum Development and Community Extension Services 367 KB 3 downloads
Ana Marie A. Binalla Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Naga...
A deeper understanding on howcultural values manifest in entrepreneurship is thefocus of this study. Further, it also explored whethercultural values are an enabling or vulnerable factor tothe local micro entrepreneurs (MEs) of Naga City,Region V, Philippines. A representative coming fromsixteen selected barangays were gathered for the focusgroup discussion as well as barangay officials for a keyinformant interview. A qualitative research approachwas used to explore specific data with greaterunderstanding of their context through focus groupdiscussion and key informant interview. Significantfindings were: (1) cultural values of ME’s are bothenabling and vulnerable factors of entrepreneurship;(2) there seems to be a gap among different institutionsin the conduct of educational activities, trainings,coaching and mentoring, and other relevant facilitiesfor existing and aspiring MEs; (3) the need forentrepreneurial management capability building toaddress the vulnerability of cultural values andentrepreneurship; (4) there is a need for expandedinformation campaign on programs and servicesfocused on finance, marketing, e-commerce, and otherservices appropriate to the grassroots level. Public andprivate groups may collaborate with Higher EducationInstitutions (HEIs) and develop frameworks leading toinclusive and sustainable programs for MEs. Possiblecurriculum integration may also be developed tostrengthen enabling cultural values and seeopportunity in its vulnerability.
Keywords –Cultural values, Curriculum Development,Entrepreneurial Activities, Enabling and Vulnerablefactors