Angelito M. Peñano Jr., Mike Ray F. Buela, Jasper M. Exconde,
Dexter Kervin B. Ortega, Alexander A. Gonzales, Beverly T. Caiga
Marine Engineering Department, Lyceum International Maritime
Academy, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City,
Asia Pacific Journal of Maritime Education
Vol. 4 No. 21-28
June 2018
P-ISSN: 2423-2033
E-ISSN: 2467-513X
Correlation of Maritime School Assessment Program Results and the Performance of Marine Engineering Students in Select Professional Courses 918 KB 6 downloads
Angelito M. Peñano Jr., Mike Ray F. Buela, Jasper M. Exconde, Dexter Kervin B. Ortega,...
This research is intended to serve as basis in planning for the improvement of performancein the Maritime School Assessment Program examination as well as the curriculum. Specifically, it soughtto present performance of marine engineering students on Maritime School Assessment Program (MSAP)results, to determine the performance of the Marine Engineering students in Engine-watch (E-watch) andMarine Environment (MAR ENV), to test the significance relationship between the MSAP result and theperformance of marine engineering in E-watch and MAR ENV, and to propose plan of action based on theresults of the study. This utilized retrospective research method with 80 marine engineering students that taken the MSAP examination and their performance in E-WATCH and MAR ENV (2016-2017). Based from the result, the MSAP performance of Marine Engineering students in E-Watch is average while satisfactory in Marine ENV, the academic performance of Marine Engineering students in E-watch is slightly superior while above average in Mar ENV, there is no significant relationship between the MSAP Result and the performance of Marine Engineering students in E-watch and Mar ENV, a plan of action was proposed to improve the MSAP and the academic performance of Marine Engineering students in E-watch and MarENV. The Dean of Maritime Education may ask professional faculty members to formulate activities and to enhance more the student’s performance. Maritime faculty may provide more student-centered activities in order to master the necessary skills needed by the maritime students thus, increasing the performance in MSAP and courses. The faculty may improve the strategies of teaching to incorporate MSAP and courses items on their lesson. The future researchers may deal on the same topic using the different variables. The plan of action may be tabled for discussion and implementation.
Keywords – MSAP, Performance, marine engineering students.