Tauseef Jamal , Shariq Aziz Butt
Computer Science Department Pakistan Institute of Engineering and
Applied Sciences University Pakistan , Computer Science Department,
Superior University Pakistan
Date Received: June 21, 2017; Date Revised: August 8, 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 5 No.3, 42-46
August 2017 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Cooperative Cloudlet for Pervasive Networks 848 KB 2 downloads
Tauseef Jamal , Shariq Aziz Butt Computer Science Department Pakistan Institute of...
The notion of cooperation in wireless communication has got significant attention from both academia and industrial persons towards to address the performance drawbacks of wireless sensor network due to reason of user’s high mobility and lack of resources of network. The future wireless systems should be highly heterogeneous and interconnected because motivating cooperative relaying has to apply on the future mobile network for efficient results and future demand. As currently the mobile computing is facing latency and battery drainage issues which need to address and solve hence in this work we are proposed mobile-centric and opportunistic communication architecture. In this work mobile devices which are in the range of Wi-Fi of each other can create cluster with each other and can create an ad-hoc cooperative cloud using Relay Spot[1-4]. The Collaboration between these devices can enable them to resourcefully use the augmentation without any infrastructure.
Keywords – Cooperative relay, Opportunistic relaying, Wireless Management Resource.