Dorcas Tabitha Wusa Ajayi (PhD) ,Lucy Ucha Mbah and
Katkukah Danjuma Gokum (PhD)
Department of Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Education,
University of Jos, Nigeria; National Teachers’ Institute, Plateau State
Office, Jos, 3Department of Curriculum Studies, Federal College of
Education, Pankshin, Plateau State, Nigeria,,
Date Received: August 15, 2017; Date Revised: September 31, 2017
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 5 No.4, 76-82
November 2017 Part II
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Computer- Aided Instruction Usage and Primary Schools Pupils’ Attitude and Performance in Mathematics in Jos Metropolis Plateau State, Nigeria 659 KB 5 downloads
Dorcas Tabitha Wusa Ajayi (PhD) ,Lucy Ucha Mbah and Katkukah Danjuma Gokum (PhD) Department...
The paper examined the effect of educational technology (computer-aided instruction CAI) in teaching on the attitude and performance of primary six pupils in mathematics in Jos metropolis. The aim was to examine how the use of computer-aided instruction in the teaching of mathematics will cause an improvement in the attitude and performance of pupils in mathematics. Four research questions were raised and two hypotheses was formulated to guide the study. The sample consisted of 151 pupils drawn from two public primary schools in Jos metropolis. The sample was divided into two groups called control and experimental groups. Pupils in the experimental group were taught mathematics using CAI while the central group was taught conventionally. Data for the study were elicited using a mathematics attitude scale (MAS) and a mathematics achievement test (MAT) designed by the researchers. The means score was used to answer all the research questions and t-test was used to test hypotheses. Results obtained showed that the attitude of pupils towards mathematics was negative before the treatment; also the pupils were below average in their performance in mathematics. After the treatment, pupils in the experimental group were found to have a more positive attitude and better performance than those in control group. It was recommended among other things that teachers of mathematics should endeavour to use CAI in their teaching of mathematics. The study concluded therefore that the use of educational technology (CAI) is effective in improving the attitude and performance of primary six pupils in mathematics.
Keywords: Attitude, Educational Technology, Computer-Aided Instruction(CAI), Performance and Teaching