Allen E.Cantos, Mary Gay Kristel A. Alday, Kristeene Joei A. Alog, Kristhel Jane G. Asi,
Regie Herynel U. Calacal, Myra C. Britiller
College of Nursing, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines
Date Received: March 24, 2015; Date Revised: July 25, 2015
Changing Learning Needs of Student Nurses Input to the Nursing Curriculum 452 KB 6 downloads
Jessie Kristian M. Neria and Jessielyn Barro Industrial Engineering Department, Lyceum...
This study aimed to determine the changing learning needs of student nurses in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains as input to the nursing curriculum. Descriptive correlational research which includes weighted mean, Pearson r and qualitative analysis were utilized to analyze and interpret the results. The subjects were the nursing students and clinical instructors. The top changing learning need of students in terms of cognitive was the use of PowerPoint presentation, film viewing and video presentation of the topic discussion. As to psychomotor, the top specific learning need was the initiation of teambuilding to unite students and develop camaraderie. In terms of affective domain, the top learning need identified was clinical exposure to apply learned concepts and information. Clinical Instructors perceived the top changing learning need of nursing student as the use of simulation laboratory with new equipment. Thus the authors recommend continuous exploration among nursing students for their changing learning needs. The clinical instructors and the College of Nursing may continue to evaluate the needs of its students and be updated with the latest trends in Health Education particularly the nursing program.
Keywords: Learning Needs, Nursing Curriculum, Health education