Sani Dantani Manga (PhD)
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and
Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Date Received: October 8, 2019; Date Revised: May 6, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, 15-20
ISSN 2545-904X (Print)
ISSN 2704-4157 (Online)
Causes and Consequences of Violation of Child Rights of Primary School Pupils in Kebbi State Nigeria: Management Intervention Strategies 808 KB 6 downloads
Sani Dantani Manga (PhD) Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education...
This study assessed the causes and consequences of violation of child rights of pupilsin primary school in Kebbi State. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. Head masters andPrimary School Teachers and Pupils in five education zones of Kebbi state in North Western Nigeriaparticipated in the study. Primary school pupils who are central to this study were sampled becauseof their experience as victims of violation of child rights. To this end 500 participants made up of 50out of 230 schools were Head masters deliberately selected 200 primary school teachers out of 1670and 250 pupils out of 26800 were selected by stratification, cluster and simple random samplingtechnism for the study. The participants cut across urban and rural schools, private and publicschools. An equal number of 10 schools were purposely selected from each of the five EducationZones to get 50 schools out of 230 schools self-designed structured questionnaire titled “Causes andConsequences of Child’s Right Violation Questionnaire” (CCCRVQ) was used for data collection.The instrument had three sections that captured the causes, consequence and managementintervention strategies to be applied to uphold child right. Internal consistency of items was analysedusing Crombach alpha coefficient which yield 0.78. A total of 250 copies of the instrument wereadministered to participants on the sport collection of completed questionnaire was used to obtain100% return rate. The items were scored on four point Likert scale. Weighed means were used and acute off mean of 2.50 and above was used for acceptance while mean below 2.50 indicated rejection. Agran Mean was also calculated for overall accept are or rejection. Interview format was developed from the items on the questionnaire to elicit pupils responses. The pupils were interviewed by trained research assistants with the help of guidance counselors in each school. Findings of the study show that child right violation is caused by social economic, political and cultural factors. Violation of child right have negative consequence both on the individual and society at large. School managements must apply various intervention strategies to promptly address violation of child righting their domains.
Key word: Child Rights, School Management, Intervention Strategies, violation, Pupils.