Sevillia S. Felicen, Kristine M. Manlapaz and Ryan L. Mejia
College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management,
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas,
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 37-40
May 2022
ISSN 2545-904X
Assessment of Student Outcomes for Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management specialized in Cruise line Operations in Hotel Services for the Year 2014-2018 350 KB 8 downloads
Sevillia S. Felicen, Kristine M. Manlapaz and Ryan L. Mejia College of International...
Outcome Based Education (OBE) has appeared as a chief direction for educational reform. Thisaimed to assess the student outcomes of BSIHM-Cruise line Operation in Hotel Services for the year 2014-2018.Specifically it assessed the ability to utilize/apply different cruise ship terminologies; perform the safety of life atsea procedure and manage crowd and crisis; demonstrate skills in guest relations ,food handling, production, foodand beverage service operations, and rooms division based on international standards; speak articulately andexpress themselves clearly in both oral and written form; apply knowledge of different theories and principles inthe areas of cruise ship, hotel and restaurant operations; manifest professionalism and self confidence in theperformance of the duties and responsibilities in the practice of the profession; ability to identify differentgeographical locations, cruising regions and tourist attractions; conduct a research in the field of cruise line,tourism and hospitality industry and utilizing the results for community development; ability to conceptualizeproducts, ideas and systems in hospitality businesses; ability to establish hospitality-related business; anddemonstrate respect to different culture and nationalities and awareness of social issues in the community andproposed an action plan. Based on the result, the 75 percent performance target was met and exceeded in all performance indicators. The highest rating was 92 percent for Student Outcomes C in PI #4, applying required internship and for Student Outcomes F in PI #4, observe functionality, respectfulness, honesty, and obedience to manifest professionalism while the Student Outcomes in PI# 3 identifying different areas and sections of the cruise ship, hotel and restaurant businesses got the lowest rating of 85 percent.
Keywords – Hospitality education, outcome-based education, student assessment