Mrs. Mylen Mauleon-Palay, Dr. Arnie Christian D. Villena, Dr. Beverly T. Caiga
Department of Communication and Multimedia Arts
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in
Social Sciences
Vol. 7 No. 2, pp17-26
May 2022
ISSN 2545-904X
Assessment of OBE Implementation and the Level of Attainment of Students Outcomes of the Communication Programs for 2019 Cohort 718 KB 3 downloads
Mrs. Mylen Mauleon-Palay, Dr. Arnie Christian D. Villena, Dr. Beverly T. Caiga Department...
Outcomes-based education (OBE) became the fundamental philosophy of higher education in the Philippines lately. All curricula including that of teacher education will be anchored on the concept of OBE in terms of course designing, instructional planning, teaching and assessing student learning. The study aimed to assess and evaluate the OBE Implementation in Relation to Attainment of Students Outcomes. Specifically, it aimed to determine the level of OBE implementations in terms of: a. Relevance of the course b. course organization c. Teaching and learning activities d. Assessment method e. Learning Environment f. counseling; and assess the level of attainment of student outcomes; finished the course for school year 2018-2019; and propose an action plan based on the result of study. This research endeavor utilized the quantitative design. Quantitative research design emphasizes objective measurements and statistical and numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires or surveys. Its focus icon gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people. Specifically, this research used descriptive design which is primarily focused on describing the characteristics of a certain population of phenomenon that is being studies without influencing it in any way. The researchers used purposive sampling in selecting the participants of this study. There are 23 respondents who finished the course for school year 2018-2019. It was revealed that majority of the students have the highest assessment on Desktop Publishing course as revealed by the composite mean of 3.68; 2.The assessment of student outcomes showed that student outcome described as students being able to Communicate effectively through various media forms got 92.67%, for the student outcome (b) stating that students should design, produce and evaluate print, broadcast, audio-visual, electronic and multimedia outputs 94.67%,attainment for student outcome (c) described as students being able to engaged in research and/or special projects and utilized results for professional and socio-economic development got 98%, student outcome(d) manifest and preparedness and competence for local and global employment got 94% (e) adhere to ethical standards and practices got 94.33%; and with the findings, the researchers proposed plan olfaction. Furthermore, it is recommended that the proposed plan of action may be considered forimplementation.
Keywords – Curriculum, outcome based education, performance task