Diana, M. Pd
Lecturer, Early Childhood Teacher Education Departement Semarang State
University, Central Java – Indonesia
Date Received: September 28, 2015; Date Revised: November 2, 2015
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 3 No. 4, 133-139
November 2015 Part IV
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Art Activity and Personal Intelligence: Its Influence to Children Adaptation Skill (Experiments at Hidayatullah Islamic School) 521 KB 4 downloads
Diana, M. Pd Lecturer, Early Childhood Teacher Education Departement Semarang State University,...
Art, one of the elements of human culture has been evolving over a long time. It is a product of working which involving skills, creative, sense, thought and heart sensibility to produce a piece of work, beauty, and harmony. The aim of this research was to find art activities for children with personal intelligence. In term of my hypothesis, children have ability to adapt and confidence to show their feelings, also demonstrate cooperated work with others. Singing and drawing were used as treatments to present how it all works to show any influence for children in the classroom. These activities were chosen in order to capture the condition as singing and drawing were rarely used by teachers in managing children in the first time they came into the classroom. Researcher discovered that drawing was one of the activities teachers used only in a spare time, otherwise as a stimuli to adjust children in the new place. This condition also happened in singing activity, teachers tend to introduce national anthem and let students only to memorise the songs. Using T-test for analysing the data, researcher found out that Fsum= 3,604 and Ftable = 2,861. It meant that there was a significant interaction between singing and drawing activity with personal intelligence to children adaptation skill.
Keyword : Art Activity, Personal Intelligence, Adaptation Skill