Joy A. Bellen, Rosario P. Abela, Rizalina D. Truya
Department of Teacher Education, Visayas State University,,
Date Received: October 15, 2017; Date Revised: January 16, 2018
Academic Achievement as Predictor in the Performance of Licensure Examination for Teachers 376 KB 5 downloads
Joy A. Bellen, Rosario P. Abela, Rizalina D. Truya Department of Teacher Education,...
This study finds the relationship between academic achievement in college and high school with LET performance of education graduates in AY 2011- 2012. Research showed that academic achievement is associated with licensure performance. College academic achievement predicted LET performance. Graduates showed better performance on specific test component. In BEED group, college GPA predicted 83% of the LET general average while in BSED group, GPA in specialization predicted 80% of LET performance in the specialization. The current study focused only on academic achievement while learning is an interplay of several factors. Future studies should examine modes of preparation for the licensure such as review process, use of educational technology and materials available that scaffold the learning process.
Keywords: academic achievement, predictor, LET