Ian S. Somosot
Program Chairperson of Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education,
Institute of Education, Davao del Norte State College, Philippines
Date Received: October 15, 2019; Date Revised: April 10, 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Vol. 8 No.2, 36-42
May 2020
P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
ASEAN Citation Index
21st Century Skills and Readiness of Preservice Teachers towards Practice Teaching Program 589 KB 6 downloads
Ian S. Somosot Program Chairperson of Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education, Institute...
In this 21st Century, many individuals would like to discover, experience, and understand so many things around them. This research was conducted to determine the significant relationship between 21stCentury skills and readiness of preservice teachers of a state college in the Philippinesin practice teaching. The study used quantitative and correlational research designs. Respondents were the 133 preservice teachers who responded on the two adapted research questionnaires. Results reveal that, preservice teachers of the state college under study always demonstrated the 21st Century skills since it posted a very high mean. In terms of their readiness to practice teaching, it was revealed that they were ready in practice teaching. However, the 21st Century skills have no significant relationship with the readiness of preservice teachers in general, but collaboration skills were significantly related to the readiness of preservice teachers in terms of teacher’s personality and classroom management. Communication skills were directly related to readiness of preservice teachers in terms of classroom management.Lastly, creativity was significantly related to preservice teachers’ readiness toward practice teaching in terms of teacher’s personality, lesson planning, content, teaching methodologies, and classroom management. Therefore, Higher Education Institutions should place emphasis on the different 21st Century skills which have significant effect on the readiness of preservice teachers in practice teaching.
Keywords: 21st Century Skills, Education, Practice Teaching, Preservice Teachers, Philippines