Understanding the Role of Religion and Religious Organizations in the Life and Work of Overseas Filipino Workers in an Islamic State Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 15, 2024Post Views: 49
Sustainable Nipa Lambanog Enterprise Amidst of Environmental and Structural Constraints Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 15, 2024Post Views: 62
Anthropometric Status and Eating Behavior as Predictors of University Students’ Academic Achievement Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 15, 2024Post Views: 43
Physics Content Knowledge of Junior High Schools in HEI-supervised and DepEd School in the Philippines Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 15, 2024Post Views: 794
Attitude towards Science and Process Skills of Junior High School Students Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 15, 2024Post Views: 73
Ilocano Administrators’ Adoption and Use of ICT in the Management of Public Secondary Schools Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 15, 2024Post Views: 54
Hanapresto A Platform for Restaurant Businesses with Recommender System using Knowledge Extraction from Social Media and Customer Preferences Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 14, 2024Post Views: 27
Development of a Vehicle Air Pollutant Monitoring Device Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 14, 2024Post Views: 32
Mobile Embedded Application for Egg Incubator Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 14, 2024Post Views: 37
CO2 Evolution and Phosphorus availability in Sandy Loam Soil as Influenced by Levels of Poultry Litter and Peanut Hull Char Mixture Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchBy Venzon AriolaFebruary 14, 2024Post Views: 31